A brave Tennessee woman did not hesitate, not even for a second, to jump into an icy pool to rescue her dog. The woman’s quick thinking saved the pup’s live and the dramatic rescue was caught on a surveillance camera.
“It was pure adrenaline,” the owner Jennie Tatum told ABC 2. “The vet actually told me, ‘This is a miracle.’”

As her home backyard Murfreesboro, Tennessee, was all covered in snow, Jennie Tatum decided to take her two dogs out to have some fun. While the two pit bull-mixes were enjoying the snow, Jennie was filming them with her cellphone. The dogs were running around the frozen pool, when one of them, Sid slipped and ended up under the ice.
In the next second, Jennie dropped her cellphone and rushed to get her pup out of there. As she wasn’t able to spot Sid, Jennie jumped into the pool and started to break the 2ich ice with her bare hands, until she finally reached the 50 pound dog and took him out.

“I was screaming because I wanted him to know that he could come up,” Jennie told WTVF. “I knew he went in there, so I get up and see him from above. My hands actually got cut when I was chopping the ice. I didn’t think about that.”
After she managed to take him out of the frozen water, the woman was unsure of Sid was alive, so she and her husband jumped into the car and drove to the vet.

“When I got him out, I didn’t know if he was breathing,” she said. “It was pretty scary.”
Fortunately, Sid recovered in the same day, but according to the vet it was his owner’s quick-witted that saved his life. Even she got a little scared, Jennie said she won’t hesitate to do it again, if necessary. “He’s extra special, but I would’ve done it for anybody, any animal,” she told WSMV. “They’re like our family.”
The woman’s incredible gesture went viral on social media. Take a look:
h.t: Kiro7