The Truth About Tying Ribbons on Luggage: What Baggage Handlers Want You to Know

Many travelers use ribbons to make their luggage stand out on crowded baggage carousels, but baggage handlers have a different take on this practice. John, a baggage handler from Dublin Airport, warns that these personal markers may actually delay the luggage’s scanning process, which could result in missed flights. Ribbons, stickers, and even packing marzipan (which can resemble explosives in scans) are culprits in creating complications during luggage processing. Instead, travelers should opt for bold-colored luggage or use fabric paint and stickers that won’t interfere with airport systems.

Travelers often tie ribbons to quickly spot their bags, especially when most suitcases look identical. However, according to John, this common trick can backfire. He explained that during the scanning process in the baggage hall, ribbons could obstruct the system’s ability to scan the bag automatically, sending the bag for manual processing. This could lead to delays or even cause your bag to miss the flight altogether. “Take old stickers off the bag as well,” John advised. “They can confuse the scanning process.”

Additionally, John advises travelers to avoid packing marzipan in their checked luggage. Marzipan, a popular almond-based treat, has a density similar to certain explosives, which can trigger an airport security alert. He recounted how this could result in security personnel pulling the traveler from the plane to investigate their luggage, causing unnecessary delays. It’s important to keep this in mind when packing.

Another simple but essential tip is to send your luggage down the conveyor belt wheels-side up. This prevents the wheels from getting caught in the system and reduces the chance of damage.

Choosing Luggage that Stands Out Without Using Ribbons

Traveling with ribbons might not be the best idea, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept losing your luggage among the sea of similar-looking bags. The good news is that luggage design has evolved. Long gone are the days when most suitcases were limited to basic black, navy, or brown. Today, luggage comes in an array of bright and bold colors, including striking patterns and vibrant hues like hot pink or neon green. These unconventional colors make it easier to identify your bag without resorting to markers like ribbons.

If you still prefer to use the luggage you already own but want to make it stand out, there are alternative ways to customize it that won’t interfere with the scanning process. John suggests using fabric paint or adding small, distinctive stickers that won’t block any barcode or scanning features. These methods allow your luggage to remain easily recognizable without causing issues during airport baggage handling.

What You Shouldn’t Pack: A Surprising Warning About Marzipan

Most travelers pack snacks or small treats in their luggage for convenience during their trip. However, if you’re thinking about packing marzipan, think twice. This sweet almond treat, although harmless, can cause major delays at airport security because it mimics the density of explosives when scanned. John shared how passengers have been called back from boarding planes due to marzipan in their luggage being mistaken for a suspicious substance. Avoid such unnecessary stress by skipping the marzipan, or if you must bring it, place it in your carry-on where security can inspect it directly.

Final Thoughts

While ribbons may seem like a harmless way to mark your luggage, it turns out they may do more harm than good. By avoiding ribbons, removing old stickers, and steering clear of items like marzipan, you can help ensure your luggage arrives on time and without hassle. Instead of relying on ribbons, consider upgrading to colorful or patterned luggage that stands out on its own. Your travel experience will likely be smoother, and you’ll reduce the risk of delayed or misplaced baggage.

Traveling is stressful enough without worrying about your luggage. So, next time you pack, remember these expert tips to avoid any unwanted surprises. Safe travels!

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