The Power of Support: The Unlikely Friendship of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford

Imagine being a young inventor with a big idea, and having the chance to meet one of the most brilliant minds of the time. That’s exactly what happened to Henry Ford in 1896. He was working on an experimental car, and Thomas Edison, the genius behind the electric light bulb, was so impressed that he became an instant fan.

At a company party in New York City, Edison met Ford and was blown away by his vision for a gas-powered car. Edison, who had been exploring electricity as a potential energy source, was enthusiastic about Ford’s idea. “You’re onto something big here, young man!” he exclaimed. “Keep going, I think you’re right!” With Edison’s encouragement, Ford felt a surge of confidence and continued to work on his design.

Years later, when Edison’s laboratory and factory were destroyed in a devastating fire in 1914, Ford didn’t hesitate to help out. He wrote a check for $750,000 and included a note saying that Edison could have more if he needed it. The gesture was a testament to the power of their friendship, which had been forged years earlier.

As the years went by, Ford and Edison grew even closer. In 1916, Ford even moved his house next door to Edison’s. And when Edison became confined to a wheelchair, Ford got one too, so they could have wheelchair races together.

The story of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford is a beautiful reminder of the importance of supporting and uplifting each other. Instead of being jealous of someone else’s success, we can choose to help them shine even brighter. As the saying goes, “your candle doesn’t lose its light by lighting another one.” Let’s take a cue from these two visionaries and make a conscious effort to lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down.

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