A happy ending story for a poor puppy found on the side of a highway in Tennessee. Collapsed on the side of the road in extreme heat, the helpless creature was rescued just in time by a Highway Patrol trooper. But that wasn’t enough, because a few weeks after saving her life, the kind officer decided to adopt the dog!

It all started a couple of weeks ago, when trooper Clinton “Pumpy” Tudors was alerted by a concerned woman on Interstate 75, about a dog in need of help, on the side of the highway. The temperatures hit over 96 degrees that day, so the trooper rushed to help the dog.
“A Trooper was alerted to a dog in need on this hot summer day,” Tennessee Highway Patrol wrote on Facebook. “The dog was on the side of #Interstate75 parched and desperately needing water and shelter from the heat.”

Soon as he arrived at the scene, officer Tudors realized the dog was extremely confused. Scared and thirsty, she didn’t anyone to get close to her. But the big-hearted trooper knew how to gain her trust.

“He told me, ‘I’m going to sit right here until she trusts me,’” Kaye Fiorell, the woman who initially spotted the dog, explained for THE DODO. “She seemed to breathe a happy dog sigh. And those doe eyes — the difference was night and day. They connected. It was powerful. I was crying some happy tears for that girl.”
A few moments after, the scared puppy started to calm down, so the trooper was able to offer her some water. But she wasn’t confident enough in the officer, so he went to his car and returned with an umbrella, a tiny chair and a snack. Then he just sat right next to the dog, holding the umbrella over her head and offering her water and something to eat.

Shortly after, the tiny puppy completely calmed down, so trooper Tudors was able to take her to the Cleveland (Tennessee) Animal Control Division, where she got medical treatment.
But this heartwarming friendship between the trooper and the dog he saved was far from over. As no one claimed the adorable creature, Tudors stepped up and offered her a for ever home. He and his family decided to adopt the dog, and they named her Princess.