If there’s one thing all people can agree upon, is that pizza is delicious. Most people out there can’t resist a hot slice of pizza when they see one and are willing to do a lot of compromises for it. They are willing to quit their diet and even spend the last money in their wallets for some. I know I’ve done some questionable things just so I can get my hands on that last slice of pizza in the box.

As it turns out, dogs enjoy pizza just as much as we do, but this rescued pittie has an absolutely adorable reaction when someone offers him a slice of pepperoni pizza. The moment was caught on video and people just fell in love with it!

The sweet pit bull, named Finn, seems more than happy to replace his bowl of dog food with some delicious pizza, and his reaction won hearts all over the place, but life wasn’t always like this for him. In fact, he had a rather tough life. Finn was one of the dogs rescued in this country’s second-largest dog fighting bust. Back in 2013, more than 300 dogs were rescued from what can only be described as dogs’ hell. Finn and many other dogs were forced to take part in illegal fights against other dogs.

Now, thanks to some very kind-hearted people, Finn is living the peaceful life he always deserved. Fortunately, the rescue even found himself a forever home and a very caring family. Finn even has his own Facebook page.

“I grew up on a chain in a yard with lots of other dogs,” his bio on Facebook reads. “Then, some nice folks from the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) came and rescued me and took good care of me…now, I am part of a family with three other dogs and two cats and two humans.”
Watch Finn’s lovely reaction to pizza, in the video below!