Quick-Thinking Zookeeper Uses Hand Sanitizer to Stop Snake from Swallowing Itself

In a bizarre and tense moment at the Phoenix Reptile Sanctuary, a zookeeper used an unconventional method to save a snake from an unusual predicament: swallowing itself.

The incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon when a large, non-venomous kingsnake began to exhibit strange behavior in its enclosure. The snake, known for occasionally mistaking its tail for prey, had started to coil itself into a tight loop and was in the process of swallowing its own body.

Zookeeper Maria Sanchez, who was on duty, quickly realized the danger. “If the snake continued, it could have choked or seriously injured itself,” she explained. In a moment of quick thinking, Sanchez grabbed a bottle of hand sanitizer from a nearby station.

She carefully applied a small amount of the alcohol-based sanitizer to the snake’s jaws. The unpleasant taste and sensation caused the snake to release its grip on itself, allowing Sanchez to safely uncurl it and prevent further harm.

Experts at the sanctuary praised Sanchez’s quick thinking. “Hand sanitizer isn’t something you’d typically think of in this situation, but it worked perfectly to stop the behavior without harming the snake,” said Dr. Emily Foster, the sanctuary’s herpetologist.

The kingsnake is now recovering and showing no signs of distress. This unusual rescue highlights the creativity and adaptability required in animal care, especially when dealing with unexpected situations.

“We’re just glad the snake is safe and healthy,” Sanchez added. “And hopefully, it won’t be trying that again anytime soon.”

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