Call him a hero, but he’s more than that! This police officer in Arizona decided to adopt a little girl he comforted while on patrol!
It all started in March 2018. Back then, Brian Zach, now a lieutenant of the Kingman Police Department, was working as a patrol sergeant when the dispatcher announced him and his team to check a residence. Once they got there, officer Brian met a 2-year-old girl named Kaila. The kind officer comforted the little girl after she was mistreated by her caretakers.

“We colored, we snacked,” lieutenant Brian told Good Morning America. “She held my hand and she was just this cute little thing. Once detectives came, they picked her up and took her to the hospital.”
Even he spent only a few minutes with Kaila, officer Brian – also a father of two, was extremely touched by her story and once he got home he told his wife Cierra they need to help that little girl. And what a better help than offering her a forever home!

Finally, this summer, the cute little Kaila is part of Zach family. On August 18th, Brian and his wife officially adopted Kaila at Mohave County Superior Court in Lake Havasu City. The now 4-year-old girl was so overjoyed to be part of such a lovely family.

“She came with a sippy cup, a bag of clothes that didn’t fit her and that was it,” officer Brian explained. “Within the second day she was calling my wife ‘mom’ or ‘mommy. I was ‘guy’ for a week or two and then when she started preschool she learned who dad was. Our goal was to love and care for this little girl for as long as it happened.”

Officer Brian’s gesture impressed even his colleagues. “Lt. Brian Zach’s commitment to public safety is exemplified in his commitment and love for Kaila,” Rusty Cooper, Kingman Police Department’s chief said. “We are proud of Brian and thankful that he and his family are part of the Kingman Police Department.”
(h.t: goodmorningamerica)