My Why: A Letter to My Child

Karter, where do I even start? I’m thinking about all those late nights I spent studying in the library, and how you’d often have to watch cartoons by yourself because I was busy with homework. I remember the early mornings when I’d drop you off at daycare so I could get to class on time, and the long days when I’d be the last one to leave because I had to work. But most of all, I’m thinking about the times we had to be apart, and how hard that was for both of us.

But here’s the thing: you were always my motivation. You’re the reason I kept going, even when things got tough. I love you more than words can express, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life.

I did it, kiddo. I finished what I set out to do, and it’s all because I wanted to show you that it’s possible to achieve your dreams. I’m not strong because I want to be – I’m strong because I’m your mom, and I want to be a good example for you. We’ve been through a lot together, but we’ve always come out on top.

I love you to infinity and beyond, sweetie. You’re my everything. 💕

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