“My children turned my home into an Airbnb without my knowledge” – Here’s how a mom taught them a lesson

A Shocking Discovery

“Mariah, did you know your house is listed on Airbnb?” My friend Liz’s question caught me completely off guard. “What do you mean?” I asked, bewildered. She explained that our mutual friend Denise had seen my house listed while searching for a place to stay for her bachelorette party.

Health Concerns and Family Worry

I had been dealing with fluctuating blood pressure and frequent fainting spells for months. My children, Liam and Leah, were concerned and kept urging me to see a doctor. “Mom, you really need to get checked out,” Liam insisted. “And maybe work on your diet,” Leah added. Eventually, I agreed to a full medical evaluation and checked into the hospital.

The Hospital Stay

After undergoing numerous tests, including a CT scan for my ongoing headaches, I settled in for a week-long hospital stay. The nursing staff was kind and attentive. It was during this time that I got the surprising call from Liz.

An Unexpected Revelation

Liz told me my house was up for rent on Airbnb. Confused, I asked her to send me the link. There it was—my home, available for rent. Angry and bewildered, I did a quick search to confirm the listing. My kids had taken the opportunity during my hospital stay to rent out the house without my knowledge or consent.

Confronting the Situation

When I called Liz back, she asked, “So, what are you going to do about it?” I wasn’t sure yet, but I knew one thing: my kids needed a lesson in responsibility and respect.

Crafting a Plan

I decided to go along with their plan, giving them a taste of their own medicine. I called Liam and Leah, acting unaware, and casually mentioned I’d be coming home earlier than expected. Their reaction was a mix of panic and guilt, which told me they knew they were in the wrong.

Teaching the Lesson

When I got home, I called a family meeting. “I know about the Airbnb listing,” I started. Silence filled the room. Liam and Leah tried to justify their actions, saying they thought it was a smart way to earn some extra money. I interrupted, making it clear that renting out my house without my permission was unacceptable and a breach of trust.

A Lasting Lesson

I decided they would be responsible for managing the current Airbnb booking. They had to communicate with guests and ensure the house was spotless before and after their stay. Additionally, all the earnings would go toward my medical bills.

Learning and Growing

Over the following weeks, Liam and Leah took their responsibilities seriously. They quickly realized that managing an Airbnb rental wasn’t as easy as they had imagined. Through this, they learned valuable lessons about responsibility, respect, and the importance of honest communication.


Ultimately, my children gained a new appreciation for the responsibilities of running a household. The experience not only taught them an unforgettable lesson but also strengthened our relationship. As for me, I was just grateful to be back home, healthy, and with my family, knowing they had learned a valuable lesson in the process.

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