Make room for the new. Empty the fridge…Cluttered closets reflect a cluttered mind

Did you know that household clutter and accumulation can be linked to various fears? These include the fear of change, fear of being forgotten, fear of scarcity, and they can also symbolize confusion, lack of focus, chaos, instability, and uncertainty about your goals, identity, or desires in life. The location of clutter in your home can reflect specific problematic areas in your life. For instance, a cluttered closet or dressing room might indicate emotional turmoil, and organizing it can help calm internal conflicts. Similarly, a messy area under the bed might suggest that your love life has lost its spark.

Have you been holding onto broken or damaged items with the intention of fixing them someday? These objects can symbolize broken promises and dreams. If these items are household appliances, electronics, furniture, or tableware, and they are in places like the kitchen or bathroom, they might indicate health and wealth issues.

Clutter in your bedroom can suggest that you have a habit of leaving things unfinished and may struggle to find a stable partner or job. Children’s rooms are often cluttered because they are still figuring out what they want in life, but studies show that children who keep their rooms organized tend to perform better in school.

Different Types of Accumulation
New Accumulation: This indicates that you are trying to do too many things at once, losing focus and direction.
Old Hoarding: This includes items you haven’t used in a long time, like old worksheets, documents, magazines, or clothes. It reflects living in the past and letting old ideas and emotions dominate your present, preventing new opportunities and people from entering your life.
10 Things You Can Do Today to Control the Mess:
Get rid of the biggest item first, like an unused exercise bike or a giant teddy bear from high school.
Return borrowed items such as CDs, books, clothes, or tools.
Pick up items from the floor and place them in a basket or bag until you can put them away properly.
Collect magazines, catalogs, and newspapers in a bag or basket.
Remove 10 items of clothing from your closet that you haven’t worn in the past year and donate them.
Clean the windows to let light into your life, both figuratively and literally.
Empty trash bins in the bathroom, kitchen, and office, as they represent things you no longer need or want in your life.
Remove loose socks from your wardrobe and use them to clean furniture.
Clear your desk, file away papers you no longer use, and organize your mail.
Get rid of pencils and markers that no longer work.
The Meaning of Disorder in Our Home
Humans emit messages and signals through the comfort of our personal objects, even in our drawers. Accumulation of objects can signal confusion, poorly structured ideas, and disorganized plans. Disorder disrupts the path to achieving our goals, blocking opportunities and wasting valuable time that could be used to structure our life plans in an orderly and disciplined manner.

Depending on where the clutter builds up, different messages or signals are broadcasted:

Entrance of the house: Fear of relating to other people.
Closet: Lack of control over emotions.
Kitchen: Resentment or emotional fragility.
Desk or work area: Frustration, fear, and the need to control situations.
Behind doors: Fear of not being accepted by others, feeling constantly watched.
Under furniture: Giving too much importance to appearances.
Garage: Fear and lack of ability to update.
All over the house: Courage, anger, disdain, and apathy towards all aspects of life.
Corridors: Conflicts in communication, fear of expressing desires.
Bedroom: Fear of social rejection.
Dining room: Fear of not taking firm steps, feeling dominated by family.
About The Mess
Louise L. Hay says: “Make room for the new. Empty the fridge, throw away all those junk items wrapped in tin foil. Clean out the closets, get rid of everything you haven’t used in the last six months. If you haven’t used it for a year, it’s definitely too much in your house, so sell it, trade it, gift it, or burn it. Cluttered closets reflect a cluttered mind. As you clean out your closets, tell yourself you’re cleaning out your mental closets. The Universe loves symbolic gestures.”

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