When she discovered thousands of dollars in a purse someone left as a donation, the Goodwill worker in the video below immediately thought that it was someone’s idea of a bad joke.
But it was actually karma making its presence known.
As a Goodwill worker, Kindell Keyes, has come to embody one of the company’s core values that is all about “knowing your impact and representing with respect.” She’s always tried to do good and help others in any way possible.
And she did it without ever expecting anything in return. So when she found a bag full of cash, she didn’t think about keeping it – not even once.
Although she could definitely use the money, Kindell started looking for their rightful owner right away so that she could return the money. “I believe in karma. You do good, good things happen to you,” Keyes said.
After hours spent looking for information to help her get a hold of the owner of the bag, the woman finally had a lead. Find out what happened after she finally managed to get in touch with the owner of the purse by watching the clip below.
You are not going to believe this!