When this 63-year-old woman suffered a medical condition while driving, a group of strangers teamed-up to stop the runaway car and save the helpless woman’s life! The incredible moment was caught on by surveillance camera, and it was later shared online by the Boynton Beach Police Department in their efforts to identify these heroes. The video immediately went viral on social media

Earlier this month, Laurie Rabyor was driving back home from work when she passed out. The woman was all alone in her car, in a busy Palm Beach intersection and she suffered the medical condition and everything could have turned into a nightmare, but fortunately a woman – later identified as Laurie’s former co-worker – noticed the incident just in time. She alerted other motorists, and they joined efforts to save the day.

After they managed to stop the woman’s car with their bare hands, the group of five heroes then tried to break the car windows. They eventually succeeded using a dumbbell. After they pulled Laurie out of the car, a nurse guided them through phone to offer her medical help.

“Thank you so much. I don’t know how to thank you,’ Laurie Rabyor told CBS12 News. “You saved my life. I wish I was a millionaire, so I could buy y’all a boat.”
The incredible act of kindness was captured by traffic surveillance cameras in Boynton Beach. The local police department made the decision to share the footage online, only to identify these heroes and honor them.
Watch the video here:
“They are heroes and we want to bring them back together at the police department to recognize them and meet the woman they rescued,” Boynton Beach Police Department told the media. “It kind of restores your faith in humanity a bit. It’s beautiful. It really is a beautiful act of kindness and heroism.”
The video footage went viral online and thanks to it, the Good Samaritans have been identified and eventually they reunited with the woman whose life they saved!
UPDATE: You all work fast! We have been put in touch with several of the Good Samaritans are coordinating everyone’s schedules to get them together with the woman they rescued. We will let you know once it’s confirmed. Thank you. 💙
— bbpd (@BBPD) May 11, 2022