Even they’re so beautiful and majestic, wolves are still wild beasts and the last thing to wish is to be around one. But this isn’t the case for this woman, who actually adores to play and have fun with a massive timber wolf.

Danielle works as a caretaker at the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center. Naturally, she’s great fond of wolves, but she’s absolutely in love with one in particular – the 8-year-old Kekoa. Every time they meet (that means daily) the two act just like kids. They just can’t stop hugging and cuddling each other. Recently, the conservation center released a video of Danielle and Kekoa adorably playing in the snow. Needless to mention our hearts instantly got melted!

“I have always had a passion for nature and animals,” Danielle explained. “These wolves have my heart and I am honoured to have been accepted into their pack!”

Kekoa, who means Brave One in native American came to Colorado from the the Seacrest Wolf Preserve, Florida. His was brought with his sister Sakara. “A handsome young male with a sweet personality”, how the center’s site describes him, the majestic wolf weighs 115lbs. Despite his size, Kekoa is very gentle and friendly and “he loves to greet visitors with wolf kisses.”
Watch this magnificent creature during his playtime with his favorite human!
h.t: MailOnline