We call them man’s best friend for a good reason, because a dog’s loyalty can’t be matched by other being. Recently, a dog in Turkey had proved what this faithfulness is all about, after she waited nearly a week in front of a hospital for her sick owner!

On January 14th Cemal Senturk was taken by ambulance to the Medical Park Hospital in his hometown Trabzon. As the man was taken to the hospital for further investigation, his beloved dog Boncuk remained home with the rest of the family. But the loyal pup realized something’s wrong with his favorite human, so she wanted to comfort him during these difficult moments. The dog somehow managed to escape from the family’s apartment and followed Senturk to the hospital.

The staff at the hospital noticed the little dog in front of the entry doors, so they informed Senturk family. As they live nearby the facility, the concerned pup was taken home, but only to return next day in the morning. When the hospital’s director seen the dog’s devotion to the human she loves the most, he decided to do something. Thus, Senturk was able to communicate with his beloved furry friend through a window.

“His dog ‘Boncuk’ has followed him to the hospital gate and refused to leave for six days until her owner was discharged,” Murat Ercan, the hospital’s director said in a statement. “Even though the family (took) Boncuk back home she managed to escape every day to wait at the hospital gate.”
For six days, the loyal companion made her appearance in front of the hospital, every morning, to comfort her sick owner. “She comes every day around 9am and waits until nightfall,” Muhammet Akdeniz, member of the security staff at the Medical Park Hospital told DHA agency news. “She doesn’t go in. When the door opens she pokes her head inside.”

When discharged, after six days, Senturk was so happy to reunite his loyal dog. Murat Ercan explained for CNN that the two are best friends for nine years now, since Boncuk was just a puppy. “After he was cleared to go out he met his dog at the hospital gate. Boncuk has behaved really sweet during the six days and has managed to capture the love and affection of the whole staff,” he also said.
h.t: unilad