This is the heartwarming story of a tiny foal who found comfort in a caring dog, after its mother sadly passed away. The owner feared for the newborn foal’s life, but she was surprised to see he gained an unlikely friend. Her dog was showing compassion to the heartbroken creature and took him under his protective wing.

A few days after he came into this world, Tye – an adorable foal – had to face the toughest challenge yet. His mother passed away. He was just 9-day-old back then, and the world seemed a hopeless place for him. But fortunately, things have taken an unexpected turn, when Zip, a 5-year-old rescue dog stepped up to remind Tye he won’t alone any longer.
Karla Swindle, a farm owner, was taking care of the sick mother horse, when noticed Zip acting pretty unusual – just as he knew something is wrong!

“We raise foals every year, and he would kind of look in the door and just look at them, but now it was different,” Karla said. “I spent the night taking care of the mama horse, hoping that I could pull her through and Zip stayed with me in the alley of the barn all night — the foal was laying in the alley, and he just lay beside the foal.”
The next day, Tye’s mother was gone, but he gained a true friend instead!
“I think he’s adopted it as his baby,” the owner said. “He’s letting him know ‘you’re not alone.’ This is the first time Zip has ever just licked on one[a foal], nudged one, laid on one. It also seemed to me that the foal knew that the dog was trying to help him which is so sweet.”

Nearly two months after, Zip never left Tye’s side. He continued to spend time with him, and to offer him his comfort and protection, and the foal looked happier than ever to have such a loyal friend.

“Every time I would take off to the barn, Zip would run to the stall, and stand in front of the stall and wait for me to get there,” Karla explained. “As soon as I opened the door, he would about knock me down before I could get in there and if Tye was laying down, he would go over there and lay his head on him.”

Thanks to this caring dog, the orphaned foal was able to move on over losing his mom. Now he’s almost a grew-up horse, but that didn’t stop him from spending time with his old protective buddy.
“Now Zip knows that the foal is OK, so they kind of went their separate ways,” the woman said. “Nevertheless, they remained very best friends!”