Dog is having the time of his life when no one’s watching

Dogs tend to have all sort of activities when home alone, or when their humans take their eyes off them. Whether chewing shoes, redecorating the house, or simply turning it upside down, there is one thing all those activities have in common, and that’s big smiles on everyone’s face, including the poor owners. Because, nothing brights up your day as a dog does!


Hamilton, however, is an adorable dog who simply sent his entire family into laughter with his routine. Usually a very good puppy, turns out Hamilton transforms himself when no one of his family is watching. Thnakfully, they installed a Ring camera in the backyard and what it caught on is nothing but pure internet gold.


The spirited dog just jumps of joy when realizes he has the pool all to his own and doesn’t have to share it with anyone. Then, Hamilton does what he knows the best – takes a belly flop in the water and has the time of his life. Naturally, his mom, Mary, could not stop laughing upon seeing the heartwarming scene.

Apparently, the jovial puppy always loved pool time. “He’s always loved water,” his mom explained for The Dodo. “We wanted to see what he would do if he had the pool to himself.”

Watch Hmailton’s antics below:

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