Teaching a puppy how to howl for the first time is a lot like teaching a baby how to speak. You have to be patient, loving and encourage the little one to keep trying even if they don’t get it right the first few times.
The dog in the video below is receiving his first lesson on how to howl from his owner, and it’s one of the most adorable things we’ve seen in a while. The urge to howl is part of a dog’s genetic makeup, but some puppies, like this tiny pup right here, have a harder time getting the hang of it.
Luckily, the pup has a loving owner by his side who is ready to help him channel his inner wolf any way he can. Laid down on his back, the owner is doing his best impression of a howl, and the puppy seems to respond well to this.
If he keeps this up, he’s going to master howling in no time!
The lesson will definitely come in handy, as howling is one of the most important tools dogs have when it comes to communicating with each other and stay safe.