The devoted volunteers at this wildlife sanctuary in Thailand, do everything to make sure the elephants they’ve been taking care of feel safe and comfortable. Even though that may include bedtime lullabies. Such a moment was recently caught on video and it’s nothing short of adorable. In the footage, the gentle giant can be seen sleeping like a baby, when her human friend sings lullaby for her!

Like most of the residents at the sanctuary, Faamai arrived at the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand’s Chiang Mai Province, when she was only a few months old. Orphaned and scared, the tiny elephant looked so helpless, but thankfully she found all the comfort she ever needed in one of the people at the sanctuary – Lek, or the elephant whisperer, how she’s also known as.
Extremely affectionate with the hapless tiny elephant, the woman was taking care of Faamai just like she was her own baby. So before bedtime, she used to sing lullabies songs to her to help her sleep better. And it worked. And it still works now, even though Faamai is a grown up elephant. It’s obviously the two share a very special bond.

“Every time she hears the lullaby from Lek she still falls asleep,” the sanctuary wrote in the YouTube description. Watch the beautiful moment below!