Everybody, meet Ruby and her giant best friends: two beautiful dogs named Biggie and Wooster! These cute buddies from San Francisco are getting plenty of love and attention online, and it’s easy to see why.
Ruby and Biggie have become best friends from the second the day family got him and they have been inseparable ever since. They spend their days just enjoying life together and playing like best friends do. They have a lot of fun going on hikes, playing at the beach, and Ruby makes sure she shows just how much she loves the dogs by feeding them and helping her parents take care of them.
She loves going on walks with them and brushing their long fluffy tails to make sure they are perfectly groomed at all times. Looking at these three best friends together, it’s pretty obvious that people have no reasons to be concerned about Ruby playing with such big dogs. The pups clearly love the little girl very much and are always ready to protect her.
Sometimes, real life is just asking to be turned into a Disney movie, right? Take a look and don’t forget to share!