It happened, not just once, for uninvited baby animals to interrupt moments and send everyone into laughter. As it turns out, these cute little things have a very special gift to steal hearts all over the place, just because they’re so innocent and pure and foolish. So thank God, these kind of moments are being recorded, so we can use them as our daily dose of good vibe.

Such an adorable scene has been recently unfolded during a rodeo performance, but it wasn’t the well-trained horses that stole the spotlight (as they should judging by their incredible performance), but a tiny foal who accidentally found himself surrounded by a cheering crowd. The beautiful moment was caught on camera and it is pure internet gold ever since.

The short, and now viral footage, shows a bunch of gorgeous Clydesdales horses performing in fronts of some heavily crowded stands. But just when the performance was close to its peak, something very hilarious happened. A baby Clydesdales came out of nowhere and stole the show. Of course, that was none of his intentions, but things never turn out as planned!

Apparently, the foal was not trying to impress anyone, on contrary, he just spotted his mom among the horses, and run towards her. As you can imagine, the momma Clydesdale had no time for her little one at the moment, so the adorable foal wandered around the arena winning everyone’s heart.

Soon as the heartwarming video emerged online, people completely fell in love with it and their comments perfectly shows it. “I love draft horses so much. Gentle giants. This video is adorable,” one person wrote. But the most appreciated comment by far, was this one: “Other horse: ‘Diane isn’t that your kid over there?’ Diane: ‘Oh Lord, not again…'”
Enjoy the adorable moment below!